In this talk, I present the idea of non-linear incremental parsing in NLP, i.e., incremental parsing of natural language text in a similar way incremental parsing is applied to code. As previously shown, processing of code relies on formal characteristics like being unambiguously highly structured documents. Natural language text is structured as well, both on the document level and on the text level. The latter structure, however, is implicit and often ambiguous – we can easily come up with different syntax trees when analysing complex sentences in isolation. The parse tree of a document in preparation is a prerequisite for the development of editing functions making use of appropriate units of this document.
I will discuss issues of when and how to update parse trees during writing. I will also argue for the development of new methods for comparing parse trees, which could be used as another view on the text allowing the author to evaluate different versions of a sentence from a syntactic and stylistic point of view.